Category: Uncategorized
Azur and Abraham: From the Eastern Mediterranean to the Río de la Plata.
In 2022, the Museum of Immigration in Buenos Aires opened its exhibit “From the Eastern Mediterranean to the Río de la Plata”, aiming to make visible the ethnic and religious diversity in Argentina, in part due to the arrival of immigrants from all over the world.
Italian Art and Architecture in the Chacarita Cemetery
Mirta Roncagalli A few cemeteries in Buenos Aires are true open-air museums. Spaces rich in history and stories tucked between the nooks and crannies of statues, tombs and mausoleums. La Chacarita is one of the most important and impressive cemeteries in the city of Buenos Aires. It not only contains the tombs of relevant figures…
A Brief History of Italian Immigration in Argentina
Benjamin Bryce, University of British Columbia Italians were the largest group of immigrants to Argentina for more than a century, starting in the 1850s. Significant migration continued after the Second World War, and since then, south-north mobility between Argentina and countries in Europe continues on paths worn by Italians a century before. As Argentine statemen…
Italians in Argentina
¡Ciao! Italians in Argentina:a virtual exhibit “Argentina is very Italian” is something you often hear. But what does that mean? Italians were the largest group of immigrants in Argentina for more than a century, starting in the 1850s, making up 71% of all immigrants in the 1860s, and still 45% in the decade after 1900.…